The Ordeal Of Otto Otepka-William J Gill-1969

THE CASE OF OTTO OTEPKA IS WITHOUT PARALLEL IN AMERICAN HISORY. Echoes of the Billy Mitchell trial haunt the record, and indeed there is a disquieting resemblance between General Mitchell’s futile effort to alert the nation to impending danger before World War...

The New Democracy-Harold L Ickes-1934

OUR AMERICAN HERITAGE Turning back the pages of the past, we see an interesting and colorful panorama. As the result of economic pressure in the old lands or because our forefathers craved the right to think their thoughts and live their lives according to the...

The New Deal Goose Step-Carl H Mote-1939

The preparation of this manuscript was inspired by an increasing similarity between the methods and objectives of the New Deal, as they could be assembled into a completed pattern from the public utterances and undertakings of the new bureaucracy, and the program...

The Mexican Problem-Clarence W Barron-1917

This old globe is now belted with battle, in the greatest war that ever was or ever can be, to settle the problem of the brotherhood of man and of nations. When the smoke shall have cleared away, there will be a new day for the whole world, and a new meaning to...

The Marvin Lectures-Fred R Marvin-1929

These lectures-or lessons, since they are now being put out in a correspondence form through Study Clubs-are designed to expose the economic, social and political fallacies of Socialism which are commonly designated under a variety of names such as...

The Man Behind The Men Behind The President-AVIF-1936

“BRAINY and plus that – nervy. That is a two-word picture of Felix Frankfurter, Byrne Professor of Administrative Law at Harvard Law School, the man behind the men behind the President of the United States.” This is the opening paragraph of a...