Nemesis-Story Of Otto Reed-Douglas Reed-1940

This book is about a German, Otto Strasser; having elbowed myself to the front of the stage in two books, I take the part, in this one, of compere -the man who opens the show, is often seen lurking in the wings while it progresses, and from time to time, between the...

My Fifteen Years In Government-Moise Tshombe-1967

Africa today looms large in the problems of the world. Laden with mineral wealth and natural resources and strategically situated below Eurasia and between two great oceans, the Atlantic and Indian, it is a prime target of the new colonialism of the twentieth century....

Model For A New Constitution-Rexford Guy Tugwell-1970

After Rexford G. Tugwell’s “model constitution” was published in The Center Magazine in September, 1970, mail poured into the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions at a record rate. In less than two weeks more than 200 letters had been...

Men Without Faces-Louis Francis Budenz-1950

“On October 2, 1935, the Daily Worker publicly announced that I had joined the Communist party. I had signed my application for membership the previous August, but had been kept waiting until Earl Browder’s return from Moscow, when the decision was made...

Memoirs Of Count Bernstorff-J Bernstorff-1936

An uncanonical tradition records a question by the Almighty at the entrance to Paradise: “Where wert thou when the Lord God created the world?” Similar reflections cannot be far from the mind of any German who has to look back to-day on twenty-two years of...