A World Without Jews-Karl Marx-1959

Karl Marx was not only born a Jew; he came froma rabbinical family. His father Heschel Marx accepted Christianity in 1816 in order to practice law in Prussian territory. Like many converts, Marx found it necessary all his life to justify the mass conversion of his...

A Program For The Jews And Humanity-Harry Waton-1939

Since 1914 great historic events have taken place. There was the World War, the Russian revolution, and the upheavals in Europe and elsewhere. These historic events brought to mankind disillusionment and bitter disappointment. The World War, which was expected to end...

Archbishop Stepinac-The Man And His Case-1947

“Ever since the arrest of Mgr. Stepinac I have considered it my sacred duty to tell all men of good will that all the accusations brought against him are either pure falsifications or gross distortions and malicious misrepresentations of the facts. Close...

Anacalypsis V 2-Godfrey Higgins-1927

An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis; or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Religions. When I say that I have not written this work for fame, it must not be understood that I affect to be insensible to the approbation of the great and...

Download Anacalypsis V 1-Godfrey Higgins-1927

“An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis; or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages, Nations and Religions. When I say that I have not written this work for fame, it must not be understood that I affect to be insensible to the approbation of the...