Political, Religion
The purely political opinions expressed in this book, much as they may interest and command attention, cannot be publicly endorsed by me. One may take a detached view of the world’s concerns, and mark the ebb and flow of political forces. From the vantage point...
Political, Religion
The charge will be made that this book is an attack upon religion. If this book be read with merely ordinary carefulness, that charge will stand wholly disproven. The Man of Galilee was certainly not open to the charge of being irreligious, yet his scathing criticisms...
Only recently has it been possible to state with any thing like accuracy, the dates when the occurrences mentioned in the Old Testament took place, for the reason that history is not reliable beyond 600 B.C. ; but the great organized societies of the United States,...
Fascinating 1941 Time Magazine article giving background of Church of England involvement in plans for world government. Download New Society-Time Magazine-1941
As we were entering New York harbour one of the wealthiest Americans came out on his fine steam yacht and carried off his returning son. This young man had been such a genial and unpretending comrade on our voyage that it was only when we were approaching the figure...
It was with much pleasure that I accepted the mandate, offered to me by The Jewish Publication Society of America, to contribute an essay on Zionism as one of a series dealing with prominent Jewish movements. Whichever side of the question appeals to us, we must all...