The Revolt of Asia-Upton Close-1927

“I am gratified to learn that Mr. Josef Washington Hall (Upton Close), the well known and adventurous explorer, observer, and writer is prepared to tell us something about the extraordinary movements in Asia which promise to change the whole aspect of world...

The Republic-Charles A Beard-1943

One morning last autumn, while I stood at my study window watching maple leaves make burnished swirls in the wind, and pondering some ancient lore, I was surprised to see Dr. Robert Smyth and his wife Susan drive up my lane. They had come to my home with friends on...

The Red Web-Blair Coan-1925

An underground political history of the United States from 1918 to the present time showing how close the government is to collapse and told in an understandable way. ONE of these days the inarticulates of the qualified American electorate are going to awaken from...

The Red War On The Family-Samuel Saloman-1922

It should not be necessary to apologize for yet another volume on socialism. True, much has been written on both sides, and publication assuredly will continue until such time, if it ever comes, when socialism will be an assured fact or will be relegated to the limbo...

The Red Decade-Eugene Lyons-1941

On the day when this book was ready for the press, Nazi Germany invaded Russia. The attack, as Vice-Premier Viacheslav Molotov charged, was wholly unprovoked. Stalin had appeased Hitler and supported Hitler’s cause with unflagging and demonstrative energy. For...