Should US Encourage UN Development-Bulletin-1986

This most important Issue #289 of the Committee to Restore the Constitution’s BULLETIN, entitled “Should the United States Participate and Encourage Development of the UN Organization”, July 1986, contains proof positive of Soviet/Communist control...

Shaping Your Future Like It Or Not-Erica Carle-2005

Friends, Americans, Patriots, I most earnestly commend the article below to your attention and study. It is one of the most important articles you are likely to read (or reject and erase if you choose to ignore reality) which is likely to come to your awareness today...

Seven Cardinal Principles Revisited-1978

Extraordinary document published in ”Today’s Education”, the journal of the National Education Association, September-October 1976 edition. Requests made to the NEA for copies of this document have often been countered with “No such document exists or was ever...