Excellent speech by Augustus Rudd delivered Sept. 15, 1948 before the National Society of New England Women, N.Y. Rudd provides an overview of major subversive forces involved in educational propaganda in colleges and public schools. His research covers the first part...
“Effective School Report” issues discuss joint U.S.-Soviet (international) planning to implement international teacher training and school management, school to work through school choice (charter school) curriculum based on U.S. know-how with computer...
This book served and still serves as “the” primer on the dangers of the innocent-sounding school choice proposals: vouchers, tuitition tax credits, and especially publicly funded and controlled charter schools, being increasingly accepted by Americans as the solution...
Education, Psychology
During the 1987-88 school year the small community of the East Gibson School District in south-western Indiana was embroiled in a dispute over a “thinking skills” program which had been implemented that fall. Supporters viewed the new “knowledge...
Strategic Planning and Furthering Excellence, 1983 Page from important U.S. Dept. of Education funded project “Strategic Planning and Furthering Excellence, in Millard, Nebraska Public Schools”, by Shirley McCune, Midcontinent Regional Educational...
IF WE survive, we are going to live in a wantless, workless world. The machines will do the work.— The shift from scarcity to abundance, from “full employment” to full unemployment, was predicted by Lord Keynes in 1930. He then thought the process...