“These are my memories of the World War. They are not made from “the records. They are truly memories-memories recalled, as all memories are, by a word, a thought, a chance sound or a sight, a whiff of air-anything. They are not offered as history. Though sometimes stirred by others’ suggestions, they are my own. Begun in the hope of causing no heart-burnings or controversies, in the end this hope has been abandoned for the larger consideration of trying to give to my countrymen a juster understanding than they seem ever to have had of our part in any other foreign war that we have ever waged. Records! I had no time to gather them. All my thought and effort had to be given to the duty of the hour : before the armistice facing the enemy, after the armistice preserving discipline and morale in our own army.”

– R.L.B.

Download Personalities And Reminiscences Of The War-WWI-US Maj Gen Robert Lee Bullard-1925