Foreword By Norman Vicent Peale

JOSEPH CHOATE IS MY GOOD FRIEND and in one of our many meetings he casually remarked that sometime he hoped to write a book about that great American, Douglas MacArthur, with whom he had a long and intimate friendship.

I took it upon myself to admonish my friend, “Joseph,” I said, “that ‘sometime’ is an illusion, only ‘now’ is viable. I urge you to write that biography now, for you knew the General in a personal way that will lend uniqueness to your book.”

To my surprise and delight, Joseph was motivated to action. As a result we have one of the most interesting accounts of the life of MacArthur that has been written in recent years.

It is a pleasure to write this Foreword for a book that focuses on the theme of the practical, spiritual qualities and ideals of a man who all his life has exemplified and practiced that which he professed and where exaggeration is neither needed nor possible. After numerous visits with the author and having read his manuscript, I now have a new insight into the statesmanship qualities of one of America’s greatest leaders.

It is refreshing to read this book because the author not only relates his recollections as a seasoned Christian lawyer, but who has also dared to sentimentalize, idealize and emphasize the spiritual side and profound faith of the General. I personally feel that Mr. Choate has rendered a great contribution of this truth to the nation by giving us all a new insight into this often misunderstood and frequently maligned soldier and statesman.

Mr. Choate has said, “Although the General encountered fierce enemies on the battlefields of the world, at times his home rear guards were his real enemies . Political acrimony, jealousy and ignorance were his arch foes.”

Seldom does history reveal the high spiritual leadership qualities of men in high positions with emphasis on their avowed… faith: a faith which General MacArthur not only professed but practiced.

This book is a reflection of the inner-man of Douglas MacArthur, and for those who seek enlightenment and inspiration, I urge them to read it and become better acquainted with him. The reader will realize how his faith was the source of his remarkable leadership, statesmanship and stature. He was indeed a rare man among men.

Those profound and timely words spoken on the passing of Abraham Lincoln, are again applicable to a great American figure of history, “He now belongs to the ages.”


Download Douglass MacArthur As I Knew Him-Joseph Choate-1986