Speech to parents by Jacqueline Lawrence, who initiated Parents Who Care lawsuit against Montgomery County School District, for use of controversial programs, including bringing Prof. B. F. Skinner into classrooms, timeout boxes, psychodrama, values clarification, etc. Mrs. Lawrence was told by the author of “Brainwashing In Red China-The Calculated Destruction Of Mens Minds-Edward Hunter-1951”, that the Montgomery Co. schools were using Chinese Communist brainwashing methods. Her expertise resulted in her being called to testify in 1984 before the Senate Education Committee.

Download Issues in Ed-J Lawrence-1981

EDWARD HUNTER, whose experience in the Far East began well over twenty years ago, Is now in Hong Kong; his articles appear In the Scripps-Howard news-papers, the Cox newspapers, Newsweek, The New Leader, etc. His correspondence has been distinguished by accuracy and objectivity; he covered what many believe to have been the real beginning of World WarII (the Japanese invasion of Manchuria In 1931) and was the first to reveal that the Japanese intended to remain indefinitely In Manchuria. The dispatch he senton this subject to the New York Sun-Consolidated News Agency was in such sharp contradiction to the reassuring statements being issued by the Japanese to the League of Nations, then in session in Geneva, that Mr.Hunter’s article was read into the records of the League. Subsequent events, of course, confirmed it all too well, just as isolated paragraphs now beginning to appear In our press are offering confirmation of what Mr. Hunter reveals in this book concerning the psychological weapons and strategy of Communism.Mr. Hunter is married and has two children. His home is in Port Washington, Long Island

Download Brainwashing In Red China-The Calculated Destruction Of Mens Minds-Edward Hunter-1951