The huge Festhalle in Frankfort-on-Main is filled with a noisy crowd of 20,000. Grimy laborers, politically-confident students, Teutonic Babbitts with protruding beer-bellies and egg-like heads, excited women, still more excited girls, old men who have lived in better days, ex-soldiers who survived the mud and stench of the front, youngsters not yet out of their teens,-all are caught in a tremendous wave of enthusiasm. Stunned by the years of economic misery since the war, these people suddenly discover a political Moses to lead them out of the black wilderness. Germany is to be saved! Deutschland erwache! Triumph of the Aryan race! Down with the Jews! A united front once more against the French swine! Heil Hitler!
Download Hitlerism-The Iron Fist In Germany-Nordicus-Dorothy Waring-1932