Roosevelt Is But the Fruit of a Movement A study of the personnel and program of the radical Conference for Progressive Political Action, that group of Bolshevik-minded men who have been working effectively for years to socialize America by legislation and propaganda and who are backing President Roosevelt, whether they label themselves for convenience “New Deal Democrats” or “Progressive Republicans” ; a study of the program of the Communist Manifesto, the “Bible” of Communism-Socialism, and its rules for communizing a State, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848 ; a study of the Socialist and Communist Party platforms compared with New Deal legislation and achievements ; a study of the Red affiliations of Mrs. Roosevelt and of the New Deal appointees of the President ; a study of the use of Government funds for the purpose of aiding the Red cause and stifling opposition-these studies will convince any ntelligent person that America is facing a crisis in its history.

Download The Roosevelt Red Record And Its Background-Elizabeth Dilling-1936