Knowing that most of the people cannot spend a large amount of their time searching for the facts, the author of this volume has sought to present his own findings and those of many other investigators in succinct form under the title, The Bleeding of America. The aim is to provide an original synthesis to show how the United States of America has been consistently thwarted and bled since the end of World War II and even during it. The writer is constantly being reminded of the wide need for this volume as he is asked, for example, “Why did we suffer more than 360,000 casualties in Indochina without invading and vanquishing North Vietnam?” Or, “What was the aim of the national news media or a particular newspaper in what appeared to be a belligerently no-victory attitude?” Or, “What is or who are behind the debasement of the dollar?”

Download The Bleeding of America-Herman H Dinsmore-1974