Friends, Americans, Patriots, I most earnestly commend the article below to your attention and study. It is one of the most important articles you are likely to read (or reject and erase if you choose to ignore reality) which is likely to come to your awareness today or any time soon. While the article prints out to eleven pages, it will be to your benefit to make a hard copy so that you may read it and re-read it in coming days. If you wish to see a “blue-print” of just how our society and world has been gotten into the mess we see all around us today, THIS will show you what has happened, is happening and WILL happen unless every one of us gets involved in turning things around. I have said for years that this country is on the right road — we are simply going in the WRONG direction on that road! Our forefathers defined the road and pointed the way we should go. Tragically, we have allowed the ungodly (and I use the term deliberately) to stop our progress in the direction they pointed out and have got us stampeding in the direction of slavery rather than the direction of freedom. We CAN turn this progress around but only if each of us gets involved actively in the education process and then enlists others in the process as well.

~ Albert Burns

Download Shaping Your Future Like It Or Not-Erica Carle-2005