Bella Dodd’s story is a human document of immense importance to Americans today. Here are the inner workings of the Communist Party in this country as seen from the secret counsels and strategy meetings of the National Committee, to which she belonged for a crucial span of years. As long ago as the 1940’s the Party was planning cynically to use the Negroes as instruments in the revolution-to-come in the United States. The theory, contrived by Stalin and unleashed by Foster, was to encourage “self-determination of the Negroes in the black belt” and the establishment of a Negro nation with the right to secede from the United States. Bella Dodd’s is a story familiar to many a young American idealist who saw in Communism a new gospel and who worked sacrificially in the cause until the inevitable bitter day when the cause betrayed him. For her that day came almost too late for her own salvation, for as she tells us “it takes a long time to ‘unbecome’ a Communist.”