Wherever one looks, there is struggle in the United States today. People are on the march. More and more are engaged in struggles for peace, for black and brown liberation, for economic advancement. More and more are seeking fundamental solutions. There is radicalization. There is a growing political Left. Millions are turning against the stale slanders of anti-Communism, used for so long to stifle people’s struggles. These millions want to know what this is all about. They are interested in the views of the Communist Party of the United States, which for fifty years has been a current in our country’s political life and a significant organizer and participant in people’s struggles. Like other Americans, we Communists take pride in the genius and skill of our country’s workers, farmers and scientists, who have created the world’s most productive industry, the most bountiful agriculture. We take pride in our nation’s democratic ‘and revolutionary heritage, created by the struggles of our people.

Download New Program Of The Communist Party USA-19th Convention-1970