The purely political opinions expressed in this book, much as they may interest and command attention, cannot be publicly endorsed by me. One may take a detached view of the world’s concerns, and mark the ebb and flow of political forces. From the vantage point afforded by the study of such a life as this, we can watch the tide that has gone on mounting up till it has reached high-water mark during the life of Pius XI, when he is well-nigh spent with his labours to direct the Christian world towards peace in a renewal of religious life. He showed from the beginning of his reign that he understood the world crisis which is upon us ; that it would end, if left to the violent handling of extremists, in utter wreck. As we witness the struggle of right against might, of justice and charity against wrong and hate, the. words of the old Greek chorus ring in our ears “Sing woe I sing woe I but let the good prevail.” The battle is stern and deadly the cost, but the undaunted Pius XI, Father of all the faithful, inspires hope and courage; the final triumph, as in the worst periods of the Church’s history, will rest with the power of the Cross.

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